Risk Perception and Management/Chemophobia |
Tuesday 11th November 2003 |
Time: |
Location: |
European Parliament, Brussels |
Synopsis |
To impart an understanding of the concept of risk and the balance between the contributions of chemistry in everyday life and their perceived and actual risk.
Speaker: Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt, Director, King's College London, Centre for Risk Management |
Hosting MEP: Emilia Müller |
Co-sponsor: The European Policy Centre |
Website : http://www.theepc.be
Other Information: |
- All seminars are in English unless otherwise indicated.
- All seminars are free. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.
- Seminars are open to all, however seats are given on a first-come first-served basis and there is no actual guarantee of reserving a seat.
- All registrants will be personally contacted by e-mail at the latest one week before the event regarding their request.
- For security reasons, it is preferable to register at least one week prior to the event. People submitting later registrations may be refused entry to the Parliament.
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